a picture of a cat about to run

How fast can a cat run?

How fast can a cat run? Your oh-so-docile and satisfied feline, the cute fur ball you have as your house cat, can run faster than the best sprinter the world has to offer. There isn’t even the necessity of an initial warm-up, a few stretching exercises, or an intense workout

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A cat trying to open a door

Why do Cats hate closed doors?

In a bid to answer the question of why do cats hate closed doors the following considerations should be made with regard to the factors that affect the behavior of the cats. One key reason for which cats hate closed doors is the cats’ predatory curiosity and Fear of missing

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Picture of a gorilla in a combat suit

How strong is a Gorilla?

Many of us must have come across the phrase “strong as a gorilla,” but how strong is a gorilla? Well, sit tight because we are going to go through a tour of a jungle gym when it comes to gorilla strength. Spoiler alert: You don’t want to attempt to wrestle

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